Sapper Spirit Award
U.S. Army Engineers
About the Sapper Spirit Award
The Sapper Spirt Award is awarded to one outstanding Engineer Soldier graduate of each course listed below:
- EOCC (Engineer Officers Career Course)
- EBOLC (Engineer Officers Basic Leadership Course)
- WOBC (Warrant Officer Basic Course)
- WOAC (Warrant Officer Advanced Course)
- Engineer MOS ALC
- Engineer MOS SLC
- Engineer OSUT (One Station Unit Training)
- Engineer Specific Advanced Individual Training Courses
- Sapper Leader Course
- West Point Annual Graduating Class accepting an Engineer Commission
- OCS Graduate accepting an Engineer Commission
- ROTC Graduate from an engineering-specific college/university
- Drill Sergeant of The Cycle
- Army Dive School
Sapper Spirit Award Criteria
Award eligibility criteria for approval.

Those in charge of the above listed courses may select one Army Engineer soldier, or a person to become an Army Engineer, for the Army Engineer Association Regimental Sapper Spirit Award. The individual selected must have the following.
- Have demonstrated an ability to significantly motivate others,
- Have displayed consistent and infectious enthusiasm toward mission accomplishment under demanding conditions,
- Be creative and ingenious when developing solutions to problems and
- Perform all assigned tasks to designated standards.
The person selected need not be the overall top-ranking individual among peers; he/she need only have displayed the Sapper Spirit according to the above guidelines.
Essayons Award Pricing
Award: Sapper Spirit Award – Free
Please contact our awards team at [email protected] or at 573.329.6678 if you have any questions.
Before submitting for an Essayons Medal
Please note that a NEW online awards processing system is in place. Please verify the following information before submitting for an award.
Requestor: Anyone can be a requestor for a Sapper Spirit Award.
Nominee: The Engineer Soldier selected must have mastered all the skills required for graduation and been an inspiration during training.
Approving Authority: The Commander and First Sergeant or Engineer Advisor of EOAC, EOBC, WOBC, WOAC, Engineer ANCOC, Engineer BNCOC, Engineer OSUT, OCS, Sapper Leader Course, ROTC program from an engineering specific college/university and USMA will make the decision on which one (no ties allowed) Engineer Soldier has best captured the Engineer Sapper Spirit and has demonstrated an admirable attitude towards the Engineer Regiment and the United States Army.
Submit for a Sapper Spirit Award
Please verify all award submission requirements have been met prior to submitting for a Sapper Spirit Award.
Questions about awards?
For any questions about AEA awards, please email our team at [email protected] or give us a call at 573.329.6678. Our team is available Monday – Friday 0830 – 1530.
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