AEA Memberships
Please go to the new membership portal to login and update your AEA member profile.
If you have any questions during this transitional time, please email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 573.329.6678.
Being an Army Engineer Association Member
Membership means having pride in being a part of your professional organization. The Army Engineer Association brings together a wide variety of Engineers through Individual and corporate memberships. Thank you for joining AEA and demonstrating your commitment to supporting the Engineer Regiment and their families.
Why Join?
There is a difference between being part of a team and leading within it. Being a true Army Engineer carries some responsibilities – regardless of rank. It demands you constantly improve your skills, share your experiences, and learn from others along the way. It requires you to stay connected with other engineers and industry to better understand today’s challenges and where the future may hold. Army Engineers are a unique family with an incredible shared history. AEA helps you get the most out of your career as an Army Engineer and be a LEADER WITHIN OUR PROFESSION.
Types of Memberships Available
Individual Memberships
The AEA is committed to the future of the Army Engineers. It is this commitment that drives our Initial Term Memberships which are available to those individuals who are in the their first 2 years as an Army Engineer. This is for recent graduates of AIT, EBOLC and WOBC.
Price: Free
Junior Memberships are available for the following ranks.
Up to SSG (Enlisted), Up to CPT (Officer), Up to WO2 (Warrant), and Up to GS9 (Civilian)
Junior Memberships are available for two different terms, two year and four year.
Price: Two Year $25, Four Year $40
One year memberships are open to all ranks.
Regular memberships expire on the anniversary date of the year(s) selected from the date of signup.
Price: One Year $25, Three Year $60
Lifetime memberships are open to all ranks.
Lifetime memberships are broken down into two categories based on age, under 50 years old and over 50 years old.
Price: Lifetime Under 50 $400, Lifetime Over 50 $200
Corporate Memberships
Small Supporting Firm Memberships are for companies with less than 250 employees.
Memberships are for one year terms and expire on the anniversary of the day on which the membership was signed up on.
Price: $250
Large Supporting Firm Memberships are for companies with more than 250 employees.
Memberships are for one year terms and expire on the anniversary on which the membership was signed up on.
Price: $500
Want more ways to help support the Army Engineer Association? Learn more about our corporate sponsorship opportunities.
Ready to become an AEA Member?
Membership Benefits

Weekly Newsletter with Multiview
This weekly eNewsletter covers weekly updates about the US Army Engineer Regiment, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and Fort Leonard Wood, MO.

Army Engineer Magazine
We publish four times per year. We provide paper copies to Engineer Units BN and above. Individual members may subscribe to receive a paper copy. It is available digitally for all on this web site.

Chapter Networking
Our chapters located throughout the nation and offer members local networking opportunities. When you join AEA, you can benefit from many of the National Programs as well as collaborative programs with other organizations.

Educational Support Program
We have two options. One is a STEM scholarship. The other accepts applications that progress towards a certification or training in a technical skill or credentials.

Castle Ball
AEA hosts the Engineer Castle Ball each August in the Washington, DC, area. This black tie event is the pinnacle of the USACE Recognition of Excellence awards program for the year, and this year, it coincides with the 247 years of the US Army Engineers.

Industry Connection Events
AEA’s Industry Day and Regimental Week connect Corps and industry decision-makers. By attending, you will meet and hear from the movers and shakers in the field and increase contact with peers from the public and private sectors.

Discounts at the Engineer Regimental Store
individual members receive a 10% discount on all AEA merchandize at our store.

Possible tax deduction
AEA is a 501(c)(3) organization. Payments may be deductible as charitable contributions (less the value of goods or services received) or as business expenses. Please consult your tax advisor to determine the deductibility of your payment.
Questions about memberships?
For any questions about AEA Memberships, see our contact information; our team will gladly assist.
AEA eNews Newsletter
By subscribing to the AEA ENews Newsletter, you’ll receive the latest AEA updates, news, and promotions directly to your inbox weekly.