Friend of the Regiment
U.S. Army Engineers
History of the Friend of the Regiment Award
The Friend of the Regiment Award is a new medal awarded by the Army Engineer Association. The receipt of this award recognizes their tremendous sacrifice and support for Engineer Soldiers and Families through volunteerism, advocacy for the Regiment, and advancement of Key Engineer systems and priorities.
Friend of the Regiment Medal Criteria
Award eligibility criteria for approval.

The Army Engineer Association’s Friend of the Regiment Award is to recognize the highest level of personal service and contribution specifically to the Army Engineer Regiment, by a military or civilian person “as other than an Engineer Soldier, family member or Civilian “who do not meet the criteria for a De Fleury, Sapper and Miner Award of Distinction or the Essayons Award” who voluntarily make or have made significant contributions over time to the morale, welfare, and success of Engineer Soldiers and Family members across several facets in the U.S. Army Engineer Regiment.
The presentation of the Friend of the Regiment Award will be conducted during very special events such as formal dinners and similar affairs. It should be conducted in a similar fashion to military award presentations. It will be presented by the highest-ranking Engineer Officer or Command Sergeant Major. The Commandant, Assistant Commandant, Regimental WO or Regimental CSM USAES reserves the right to present the award in the USAES footprint. Requests for a non-Engineers to present the award must be sent to the Regimental leadership and to receive prior approval from USAES.
The winner will receive the following at the presentation.
- A Friend of the Regiment Award Certificate.
- A Friend of the Regiment Award Medal. The medal will have the winner’s last name engraved onto it.
Friend of the Regiment Award Pricing
Award: Friend of the Regiment – $65.00
Expedited Processing: $25.00
Expediting processing is available through the online award submission portal as long as the proposed presentation date is at least two weeks after the award submission. Please note this time does not start until the award has been fully approved and is ready for processing.
Expedited Shipping:
Expedited shipping is available once awards are fully approved and processed. Expedited shipping costs will vary depending on the location at which it is to be shipped.
Please contact our awards team at [email protected] or at 573.329.6678 if you have any questions.
Before submitting for a Friend of the Regiment award.
Please note that a NEW online awards processing system is in place. Please verify the following information before submitting for an award.
Requestor: The endorser must be an Engineer COL or above, Engineer Brigade Command Sergeant Major or above, or Chief Warrant Officer Five currently serving in the Active, USAR and ARNG or Retired and a current AEA member.
Nominee: Ensure the nominee meets the above criteria.
Approving Authority: The Friends of the Regiment may only be approved by the Commandant of the United States Army Engineer School. In general, persons nominated for the award not assigned within or related in some way to United States Army Corps of Engineers will have their award processed through the Commandant of the United States Army Engineer School. Please download and open this award form in Adobe, if you wish to fill it out digitally. Please allow 4 weeks for processing this award.
Please ensure that you know the AEA member number and the email associated with that membership prior to submitting for the award.
Submit for a Friend of the Regiment award.
Please verify all award submission requirements have been met prior to submitting for a Friend of the Regiment Award.
Questions about awards?
For any questions about AEA awards, please email our team at [email protected] or give us a call at 573.329.6678. Our team is available Monday – Friday 0830 – 1530.
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