
AEA recognizes the importance of rewarding hardworking Engineer Soldiers and their Spouses for going above and beyond in their Support of the Engineer Regiment

U.S. Army Engineers

Essayons Medal

The Essayons Award honors spouses of members of the Engineer Regiment who have made significant voluntary contributions to the morale, welfare, and spirit of engineer units and organizations. The criteria for nominations are: (1) the nominee should be the spouse of an engineer Soldier or engineer DOD civilian; (2) the nominees spouse should be a member of AEA; (3) the nominee should be a spouse who has voluntarily provided significant contributions and support to the Engineer Corps, engineer units, engineer families, and/or multiple communities; (4) most importantly, the spouse must possess qualities that set the individual apart from other Engineer Corps spouses or their peers.

Spouses of military and civilian personnel from the Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard are eligible. Spouses of retired individuals are also eligible. Approval for this award is the Engineer BN/District Commanders who are AEA members.

AEA Essayons Award Approval/Request Form


Requester’s Information


Nominee/Recipient Information




Endorsement/ Request for Approval


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