Industry Partnership providing Access, Resources, Solutions.

Our magazine provides original content on projects from the Corps, tactical and technical challenges from engineer tactical field forces, our Industry Partners, as well as interesting historical and current features. It is published four times per year and is available digitally for all members. Paid subscriptions to receive paper copies of the magazine are available.

Corporate Membership POC's

For all questions regarding corporate memberships with the Army Engineer Association, please get in touch with one of the following. 

COL James “Jim” Rector, USA (Ret) Executive Director 

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 573.528.5757

CSM John H. Rather, USA (Ret) Business Manager

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 573.329.6678

Sign up for a Corporate Membership

Use the form below to sign up for a corporate membership with the Army Engineer Association.

Step 1 of 3


Next Steps: Install the Stripe Add-On

To accept payments on this form you will need to install the Stripe payment add-on. Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.
Price: $250.00
Price: $1,500.00
Price: $500.00
Price: $3,000.00