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AEA Corporate Sponsorship
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Company Contact Information

Company Contact
Company Address

Choose the AEA programs you wish to sponsor below.

Educational Support Program
Magazine Sponsorships - Full Page Advertisements
Magazine Sponsorships - Half Page Advertisements
AEA Chapter Program
Ceiling Tile Program
Award Sponsorships
Regimental Week
Best Sapper Competition Sponsorship
Best Mapper Competition Sponsorship
Any amount not in any of the tiered or individual program sponsorships you would like to donate to the AEA.
Minimum Price: $10.00


Castle Ball Sponsorship Opportunities will be announced separately.


If you wish to submit payment by check, please select check as the payment type and mail to the following address.

Army Engineer Association

P.O. Box 634 

Fort Leonard Wood MO 65473

The AEA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your donation is tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

Any questions can be directed to our Executive Director, COL (Ret) James Rector, at 573-528-5757 or [email protected].